Coming up in Term 6

Term 5 Update

Chestnut Class

This term has really flown by.  We have busied ourselves with a lot of independent writing producing an excellent and diverse selection of ‘If I ruled the World’ poems.  We must have been a hungry bunch as there were a lot of food related ideas from marshmallow desks and rocky road chair legs to chocolate rulers!  We have solidified our basic concepts in Maths using dienes a lot to help us with larger calculations.  The children have really enjoyed the lessons where we race to get our answers onto individual boards.  They have shown great teamwork as we have worked in pairs a lot this term.  Chestnut class really enjoyed the more crafty side of our learning with all the trials and tribulations of our model Ferris wheel making in DT.  Even though we have had some hurdles to overcome, these have been really fascinating sessions and allowed the children to show their more creative sides.  It also threw up lots of interesting issues as once our wheels had axles and could turn them, we then had the problem of producing sturdy stands and are still facing the issue of small light pods.  All ideas welcome!  We also made mezuzah boxes in RE as we studied Judaism.  Instead of a piece of ancient scripture, our boxes contain writing about the things that mean the most to us.  Our RE sessions have definitely generated some of the most thought-provoking and philosophical questions.  Our trip to the library included a talk by two firefighters, Chestnut behaved impeccably and asked lots of questions.  In PE, we learnt the skills of fielding and batting and this will lead to a mini rounders tournament next term.  In Science, we have been growing plants and learning about the life cycles of humans and other types of animal and In FOREST, the class has really embraced all the different tasks on offer so many of you should already have some fabulous leaf prints from our leaf bashing sessions or Gods’ eyes and whittled sticks! So apart from clearing space in your houses for our various models and works of art, I hope you have a wonderful and restful half-term.

Chestnut class, you have done exceptionally well this term.  Your development and continuing growth and talent amazes me. Keep on being you!


Term 5 Highlights

Coming up in Term 5

Term 4 Update

I am not entirely sure how we have come to the end of term so soon!  It has been incredibly busy with Dance Umbrella, Book Week, the Mid Somerset Festival, Red Nose Day and our Hear My Voice performances, which included a beautiful Ukrainian lullaby.  As well as performing, yes we really did open the Dance Umbrella 2024!, we also had the pleasure of watching the fabulous Y3/4 show and a time-travelling theatre duo.

In English we wrote a book review of the Day the Crayons Quit, designed a book cover for The Twits and we are currently exploring the world of barn owls in The Owl that was afraid of the Dark.  We explored the illustrations and style of Axel Schaeffler and our Tabby McTat creations took centre stage on our Mother’s day cards.  We made it look far easier than it was! Look up ‘how to draw Tabby McTat and have a go yourself.  In Maths we have been tackling division as well as focussing on securing our strategies for arithmetic.  We are looking forward to exploring fractions and time next term.

We had a lot of fun in Science this term, which was all about plants.  We explored different types of plants and what they need to grow.  We will be running an experiment on the best plant conditions for bulbs and seeds in term 5, in parallel with our new topic on Living things and their Habitats.  In Geography we have been learning about Australia and had fun comparing it to the UK.  We have learnt about its cities, human and physical features and were particularly fascinated by the wildlife.  In Music we explored Holst’s The Planets, which produced some great debate on the effect of music on emotion.

We always enjoy our time in the Forest exploring the change in seasons, den building and crafts.  One of the highlights is always the search for frogspawn in the pond and the subsequent appearance of tadpoles, which never loses its spellbinding charm.  This has been a fun-filled term but I would urge Chestnut class to use this Easter to recharge as there is even more excitement, challenges and opportunities to come in the summer term.


Have a Happy Easter!  


Coming up in Term 4

Term 3 Update

Term 3 has been another busy one for Chestnut Class.  The children have continued to work hard. The children continue to demonstrate our FOREST Values in different ways and have enjoyed their time learning new skills in the forest.

In English lessons this term, we have read the story The Marvellous Fluffy Squishy Itty Bitty.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the story and enjoyed writing about the continued adventures of Itty Bitty.

In Maths, we have been working on addition and subtraction, learning about mixed addition and subtraction calculations, comparing number sentences and missing number problems.  We have also learnt about shape, exploring 2D and 3D shapes.  We have named various 2D shapes and counted the sides and vertices.  We have learnt about lines of symmetry and identified shapes which have a line of symmetry.  When learning about 3D shapes, we have named various shapes, counted the faces, edges and vertices.

In Science, we have continued learning about materials.  We have learnt about natural and man-made and identified products which are natural and man-made.  We have learnt about wood products, glass, plastic and metal and compared these.

History has been so interesting this term, we have been learning about the Victorians.  We have identified similarities and differences between Victorian and modern Radstock.  We described what it might be like to work as a coal miner at Ludlow’s Colliery.  We learnt about significant individuals of the Victoria era – Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, and the roles they played.  Lastly, we learnt about the importance of Humphry Davy’s invention of the safety lamp and why this was important in the Victorian era.

This term has been very busy rehearsing for the Dance Umbrella Festival which will be taking place next term.  We have made up and rehearsed our dance which is slowly taking shape.

I wish you all a fun and relaxing half term.

Mrs Day


Term 3 Highlights

Coming up in Term 3

Term 2 Update

Chestnut Class have had a busy and productive term and have worked very hard.  We continue to demonstrate our FOREST Values in different ways and have enjoyed our time learning about fire safety, making crafts and dens and climbing trees.

In English lessons this term, we have written a diary entry based on the Great Fire of London.  We also wrote a postcard based on the book ‘Meerkat Christmas’ and wrote a letter to Father Christmas.

In Maths, we have been working on addition and subtraction, securing fact families to 20, learning how to add and subtract 1’s, 10’s, adding three 1- digit numbers.  We have also learnt how to subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number.

In Science, we have continued learning about growth and survival, deepening our knowledge of animals and their habitats as well as further work on healthy diets and keeping ourselves healthy.

To link with our Science learning, we went on an exciting trip to Chew Valley Animal Park where we interacted with fancy mice, a rat, rabbits and guinea pigs.  We were all so brave holding the different animals.  We then walked around the park learning about different animals and how they have adapted to their habitats.

Geography has been so interesting this term, we have been learning about our amazing planet.  We have located and named the seven continents and five oceans.  We have also located the hemispheres and the equator as well as identify human and physical features.

This term has been very busy rehearsing for our fabulous Nativity performance of ‘Ralph The Reindeer’.  We all learnt our words and performed so well.

I wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas and New Year and I look forward to all the fun learning we have lined up in term 3.


Mrs Day


Term 2 Highlights

Coming up in Term 2

Coming up in Term 2

Term 1 Update

This has been a fantastic term for Chestnut Class. We have demonstrated our FOREST Values in different ways and have enjoyed being on our learning journey.

In English lessons this term, we have had great fun reading Little Red Reading Hood and planned and publishing our own alternate endings. Why not ask us about our story?

During Maths, we have consolidated our understanding of place value. We have been working on recognising tens and ones and using a place value chart.  We have partitioned numbers and investigated different ways to partition numbers. We have also compared numbers and objects and have identified where numbers are placed on a number line.  Lastly, we counted in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and 3’s.

Science this term has been fascinating! We have learnt all about growth and survival. We’ve learnt about what babies different animals have and the different ways animals have babies.  We explored how humans grow as they get older and what animals and humans need to survive, including how animals are adapted to suit their environment.  We investigated healthy diets and how to keep ourselves healthy.

History has been so interesting this term, we have been learning about The Great Fire of London.  We explored when the fire began and how it started, what caused it to spread like it did and how the fire was eventually put out.  We read extracts from Samual Pepy’s diary.

Note from Mrs Day: Well done Chestnut Class for all your hard work this term, I am very proud of you all. Have a restful half term and I will see you in Term 2.

Term 1 Highlights

Welcome to Chestnut Class

Chestnut Class have had a settled and productive start to the year. We are becoming familiar with the class routines and rules and everyone is working hard to respect them. Chestnut Class has been enjoying many of our subjects- including learning about chronological order, evidence and legacy in History when learning about the Great Fire of London. Why not ask us a little bit more about what we have been learning?


Wednesday afternoons- Forest School

 Children will need to come to school wearing a long top and full- length trousers. Children will need waterproofs and wellies.

Thursday mornings - P.E

Children will need to come to school wearing their Longvernal P.E. kit.

Library trip

Chestnut Class will be visiting the library in October.  The date is to be confirmed.

Trip to Chew Valley Animal Park

This trip is on Thursday 19th October 

More information about trips will follow in due course. 

If ever you need to email me, please do so at 

Parent Expectation Letter - September 2023

Coming up in Term 1

Coming up in Term 1

Term 3 Update

Term 3 has been another busy one for Chestnut Class.  The children have continued to work hard. The children continue to demonstrate our FOREST Values in different ways and have enjoyed their time learning new skills in the forest.


In English lessons this term, we have read the story The Marvellous Fluffy Squishy Itty Bitty.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the story and enjoyed writing about the continued adventures of Itty Bitty.


In Maths, we have been working on addition and subtraction, learning about mixed addition and subtraction calculations, comparing number sentences and missing number problems.  We have also learnt about shape, exploring 2D and 3D shapes.  We have named various 2D shapes and counted the sides and vertices.  We have learnt about lines of symmetry and identified shapes which have a line of symmetry.  When learning about 3D shapes, we have named various shapes, counted the faces, edges and vertices.


In Science, we have continued learning about materials.  We have learnt about natural and man-made and identified products which are natural and man-made.  We have learnt about wood products, glass, plastic and metal and compared these.



History has been so interesting this term, we have been learning about the Victorians.  We have identified similarities and differences between Victorian and modern Radstock.  We described what it might be like to work as a coal miner at Ludlow’s Colliery.  We learnt about significant individuals of the Victoria era – Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, and the roles they played.  Lastly, we learnt about the importance of Humphry Davy’s invention of the safety lamp and why this was important in the Victorian era.


This term has been very busy rehearsing for the Dance Umbrella Festival which will be taking place next term.  We have made up and rehearsed our dance which is slowly taking shape.


I wish you all a fun and relaxing half term.


Mrs Day