Welcome to Chestnut Class

Chestnut Class have had a super start to the year! The children have become familiar with the class routines, amazed me with their hard work and met the new class mascot, Ottie the Octopus! Chestnut Class have been enjoying many of our subjects - including learning about place value in Maths, creating colourful maps in Art and identifying different types of information technology in Computing. Why not ask us a little bit more about what we have been learning?

I am looking forward to the exciting year ahead and working in partnership with you. As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Keep checking our class page for updates!

Miss Friend


PE: will be on Monday afternoons, starting from 9th September. Please ensure children come to school wearing their PE kits.

Forest School: will be on Wednesday afternoons, starting from 11th September. Children will need to come to school wearing a long top and full-length trousers. 


  • Children are asked to read at least 3 times a week at home - it is important this is recorded in their reading records.

  • 20 minutes of Doodle Maths or Doodle Tables weekly. 

  • Weekly Spellings (to be tested every Friday). These will be put into your child’s reading record every Friday.

Coming up in Term 1

Coming up in Term 1