Coming up in Term 6

Term 5 Update

What a busy term it has been for Maple Class! 

In Writing, we began the half term by creating our own non-chronological reports about lots of different animals, from polar bears and red pandas to axolotls! Towards the end of the term, we moved onto writing an adventure story based on the book ‘The Secret of Black Rock’ by Joe Todd-Stanton. We worked really hard to include a range of literary devices such as similes, fronted adverbials and personification. We will continue to work on this as we enter into Term 6. 

In Maths, we continued our learning on measurement and we have learned how to measure mass in grams and kilograms as well as measure capacity and volume in millilitres and litres. Furthermore, using our CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach, we have completed a unit on fractions which involved learning how to add and subtract unit fractions. 

Guided Reading is much loved in Maple Class. We really enjoyed reading ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes and analysing the text using our VIPERS skills.

The class have also loved learning about our History topic this term; Ancient Egyptians. Particular highlights have been investigating different artefacts and learning about the River Nile and King Tutankhamun. This has linked to our Art lessons where we have been applying our drawing and painting skills in the style of an ancient civilisation. This involved studying Ancient Egyptian Art, making papyrus paper and creating an Ancient Egyptian-inspired scroll. 

In PE, we have focused on developing our skills in order to play netball successfully. First, we developed our throwing and catching, before learning how to dodge a defender when moving towards the goal. Forest school is still a highlight of the week for Maple Class, allowing them to show how kind and helpful they can be to one another, and how well they work as a team.

Thank you for your continued support. Have a lovely half term.

Miss Friend

Term 5 Highlights

Coming up in Term 5

Term 4 Update

Wow that term has really flown by! Here are a few of the wonderful and exciting things Maple Class have been up to:

In Maths, we have been learning about measurement; focusing on metres, centimetres and millimetres, when to use each unit of measurement and how to convert between them. 

The children have continued to show great enthusiasm for literacy; they have enjoyed visiting the local library, writing their own end to the story ‘The Stone Age Boy’ and reading ‘The Street Beneath my Feet’ by Charlotte Guillain. Book Week was certainly a highlight! The children enjoyed writing a book review, drawing illustrations, designing and making their own story box and of course, dressing up as their favourite book character!

In Science this term, we started our new unit on rocks, soil and fossils. Working scientifically, the children have compared and grouped together different types of rock and discussed the uses of naturally occurring rocks. 

Geography has been the class’ favourite this term. We have continued our learning on Europe and in particular, the countries surrounding the UK. The children have enjoyed researching each country and creating mini case studies around the language, food and monuments of each.

This term in RE, we have continued learning about Christianity in RE. The children enjoyed learning about the story of Holy Week and understanding why Jesus’ crucifixion symbolises hope for Christians. In PSHE, we have been discussing how to take care of ourselves and stay healthy.

Finally, I must not forget to mention the Year 3 & 4 performance of ‘Through the Ages.’ What a fantastic show they put on! The children have shown great maturity and commitment this term and I have been so proud to be their teacher. 

Thank you for your continued support and wishing everyone a happy and restful Easter.

Miss Friend


Term 4 Highlights

Coming up in Term 4

Term 3 Update

What a wonderful term it has been! Here are just a few of the amazing things that have happened in Maple Class:

In English, the children wrote humorous stories about an incredible person and they were incredibly funny to read! They have also enjoyed visiting the local library, analysing archaic poems and reading ‘Varjack Paw’ by SF Said in Guided Reading. 

In Maths, we have completed a unit on multiplication and division and the children have learned how to multiply and divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. We have continued to revise our times table facts and even went on to learn the 3-, 4- and 8-times tables! 

In Science this term, we started our new unit on Health and Movement. Working scientifically, we have classified food according to food groups and identified which animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. 

History has been a firm favourite this term. The children have been fascinated to learn all about the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We finished our learning with a trip to the wonderful Cheddar Caves. The children loved exploring Gough’s and Cox’s caves and then having a workshop with a real life (kind of!) caveman. The trip cemented our learning and left us with lasting memories. This has linked with our Art topic, in which the children created prehistoric paintings using charcoal and natural materials.

In RE, we have continued to explore Christianity; focusing this term on the three miracles of Jesus where healing took place and evaluating whether these were miracles or whether there could be another explanation.

In PSHE, we have been exploring the unit ‘Dreams and Goals’. The children have enjoyed identifying their own dreams and ambitions that are important to them.

We have also LOVED practising for our Year 3 & 4 performance ‘Through the Ages’ and look forward to performing it next term!

Well done Maple Class for another fantastic term, I am so proud. See you all in the new term.

Miss Friend


Term 3 Highlights

Coming up Term 3

Term 2 Update

I cannot believe it is nearly Christmas already, the term has flown by and we have squeezed in so much learning! Maple class have really enjoyed writing their own seasonal poems called ‘Winter is here’ and applying what they have been learning in SPaG, such as powerful adjectives and prefixes. In Guided Reading, the children have enjoyed studying the class novel ‘Toys Go Out’ by Emily Jenkins, as well as analysing lots of Christmas information texts! Our Maths lessons have continued to explore addition and subtraction and the children have been using pictorial representations to help them with the formal written method of column addition and subtraction. 

Science, this term, focused on light and shadow. This has brought many opportunities for working scientifically, for example, the children enjoyed investigating why shadows are formed and how they behave using torches and a variety of opaque, transparent and translucent objects. The class also loved learning about our History topic this term; Ancient Britain. Particular highlights have been learning about the theories of why Stonehenge was built and investigating what life was like in the Neolithic period. We look forward to continuing our learning next term, focusing on the Bronze Age and Iron Age. 

In RE, we have been studying Christianity and the children have been learning to understand whether Christmas has lost its true meaning. In Computing lessons, the class have been using a range of techniques to create their own stop-frame animations using iPads. 

Forest school is still a highlight of the week for Maple Class, allowing them to show how kind and helpful they can be to one another. The children have also been developing their teamwork skills in gymnastics this term, collaborating with others to develop linking sequences as part of a performance.

I cannot believe Term 2 is almost coming to an end, it has been very fun and exciting! I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a restful break.

Miss Friend


Term 2 Highlights

Coming up in Term 2

Coming up in Term 2

Term 1 Update

WOW! What a fantastic first term we have had in Maple Class. The children have enjoyed many of our subjects and have learnt lots of new things! Particular highlights have been writing our own romantic narrative based on the Pixar Short, The Blue Umbrella. Our Guided Reading sessions have continued to explore the novel The Butterfly Lion and the children have enjoyed learning about Ruby Bridges, as part of our learning in Black History Month. In Maths, we started with place value before moving onto using mental strategies for addition and subtraction. The children worked hard to master these skills, using concrete resources to support them in their learning.

The children have also loved learning about our Geography topic this term; Where in the World. Particular highlights have been using our atlas skills to locate capital cities on a map and learning about the different human and physical features of European countries. Science has also been a firm favourite this term. The children have been investigating the life cycle of flowering plants and how water is transported through plants – why don’t you ask us about how it works? We then used our knowledge of plants to create botanical inspired drawings in Art. Our last lesson involved taking texture rubbings and creating nature-inspired artwork in the style of Max Ernst and botanical artist Maud Paudy – it was great fun!

In RE, we are studying Sikhism and the children have been learning to understand the reasons why a Sikh may choose to join the Khalsa. Our lessons involved learning about the 5 K’s and explaining what each one symbolises. Maple Class have also thoroughly enjoyed Computing this term. Pupils have developed their understanding of digital devices, in particular, using a Chromebook with a painting application to create their own digital painting. PE has been another highlight - the class have enjoyed developing their confidence and football skills while being taught by a professional coach.  Weekly French lessons have become a firm favourite, and the children look forward to their Forest sessions with Miss Richards each week.

I look forward to another brilliant term with Maple Class! I hope you all have a relaxing half term break.

Miss Friend

Term 1 Highlights

Welcome to Maple Class

Welcome to Maple Class! We have had a super start to the year and the children have shown great maturity and enthusiasm for learning across all aspects of the curriculum. In Maths, the children have been learning about place value and have enjoyed learning to partition numbers to 100. In Writing, the children have started their own narrative based on the Pixar short film ‘The Blue Umbrella’.

The class have particularly enjoyed the opportunity to get creative and create their own Harvest Art. Weekly French lessons have also been a firm favourite. PE on a Friday afternoon has been another highlight – the children have enjoyed developing their football skills with a professional coach. 

All in all, it has been a fantastic first week of Term 1! Keep checking our class page for updates!

Parent Expectation Letter - September 2023

Coming up in Term 1

Coming up in Term 1

Coming up Term 4