We are off to an incredible start to the school year - it has been wonderful to watch the children settle into school life with confidence and enthusiasm and see friendships begin to blossom. Exploring our new school and classroom has been an adventure in itself. We have spent lots of time getting to know one another and settling into our daily routines. We have also had a special visit from our Year 6 buddies this week! Why not ask us if we can remember our buddies' names?
I am looking forward to the exciting year ahead and working in partnership with you. As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Miss Whittaker
PE: will be on Wednesdays, starting from 18th September. Please ensure children come to school wearing their PE kits.
Forest School: will be on Fridays from 20th September. Please ensure children come to school wearing appropriate forest attire (long sleeved top and trousers).
Reading: children are asked to read at least 3 times a week at home - it is important this is recorded in their reading journals. We also ask children to practise their sounds daily, using their Speed Sound Books.